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Kara Walker: White Shadows in Blackface by Robert Hobbs Supply

Original price was: $44.99.Current price is: $18.00.
Kara Walker: White Shadows in Blackface by Robert Hobbs Themes and motifs in the art of Kara Walker, from blackface

Reggie Burrows Hodges Online Hot Sale

Original price was: $44.99.Current price is: $18.00.
Reggie Burrows HodgesThe debut monograph on the haunting, tenebrous figuration of the acclaimed Maine painterMaine-based painter Reggie Burrows Hodges (born

Xiao Jiang Supply

Original price was: $54.99.Current price is: $22.00.
Xiao Jiang Expansive landscapes, solitary figures and serene interiors characterize Xiao’s contemplative and philosophical paintings This is the first monograph