Happiness #4
Issue #4 is another jam-packed issue of HAPPINESS! With 25 short comics by alternative cartoonists from across the country and overseas, plus interviews with artists, cartoonists, galleries, musicians/bands, and other community organizers, as well as written essays, and a spotlight section on contemporary flyer & poster art.
7.875″ x 10.5″x ~.5″, 192 pages total (152 B&W offset pgs, 40 full-color pgs), perfect bound.
Featured comic artists include:
Alex Williams
Antoine Cossé
Cathy G. Johnson
Claire Donner
Courtney Loberg
Diego Gerlach
Félix Decombat
Gretta Johnson
Hiromi Ueyoshi
Katrina Clark
Lale Westvind
Lasse Wandschneider
Leah Wishnia
Leslie Weibeler
Maren Karlson
Max Morris
Michael Olivo
Mike Funk
Mimi Chrzanowski
Nathan Ward
Noel Freibert
O Horvath
Pat Keck
Rand Renfrow
With flyer/poster art from:
Abraham DÃaz
Alexander Heir
Anna Ehrlemark
Dunja Jankovic
Elijah Funk
Eric Benton
Eugene Terry
Jess Poplawski
Lisa Czech
Katrina Clark
Kelsey Short
Mar Estrama
Matthew Thurber
Michael Comeau
Mike Taylor
Nate Doyle
Sam Ryser
Interviews with:
Ben Trogdon
Downtown Boys
Drut PD & Tumbleweave
Good Press Gallery
Jordan Speer
Josh Freydkis
Lyra Hill
School Jerks with Tara Bursey
Suzy X
Essays by:
Dave Morse
Jes Skolnik
Front & Back cover art by Jordan Speer
Interior cover art by Jason Murphy
Edited & Published by Leah Wishnia