Teresa Moller: Reflections in the Landscape / Reflexiones en el Paisaje
A leading Chilean landscape architect elucidates her guiding compositional principles and offers personal reflections on her craft
Chilean landscape architect Teresa Moller (born 1959) looks back at her most significant projects of the last decade, in this very personal volume containing her reflections on her craft and nature. Reflections in the Landscape is organized around two concepts. The first is dedicated to the fundamental components of her landscape architecture: earth, water, trees, fruits and stone; the second, comprised of sections such as Trails, Signs, Essence and Silence, describes her essential compositional principles. In collaboration with architecture writer and curator Jimena Martignoni, Moller offers her thoughts behind the creation of some of her renowned projects, such as Punte Pite in Chile, a dramatic staircase and footpath that descends to Chile’s rocky coast, or Catch the Landscape, a series of travertine blocks that serve as benches along the Venetian waterfront. Also included are projects in China, Italy, Morocco, Germany and more.