The Prince by Liam Cobb
Cobb’s longest work to date, The Prince is his take on the Frog Prince fairytale. We follow May, who is going through a bad marriage, but forms an unlikely friendship with a frog, who mysteriously turns up at her apartment as things between her and her husband deteriorate. Part animal comedy, part erotic thriller, The Prince is a strange, vengeful love story that tells the story of a woman and her pet.
Liam Cobb was born in London, UK. He studied Illustration at Camberwell, UAL, where he started to self publish his comics and attend small fairs around London. He continues to live and work in London freelancing as an illustrator and storyboard artist. His previous releases include Green Graves, Shampoo, Conditioner, and art on the Image Comics title Spread.
120 two-color pages, softcover graphic novel 6.9 x 9.8 inches (17.53 x 24.89 cm)